Submit a Nomination
REMINDER: Nominations for all award categories will close on 18th July 2025.
Nominate Senior Leaders, Schools or Multi-Academy Trusts for Their Dedication and Hard work
Nominations for the National Schools Awards are completely free of charge and we welcome nominations from any school setting.
All nominations will be collated and judged at the start of 2025 and the shortlisted nominees will be notified and invited to attend the award ceremony on 3rd December 2025 at the House of Lords.
When completing the nomination forms, please keep in mind the following judging criteria:
20% – The innovative nature of the changes/projects undertaken
40% – The benefit for pupils and staff outcomes
20% – How the changes have used resources and budget efficiently
20% – The leadership shown in implementing changes/projects
To submit your nomination, please select a category below:
National Schools Award 2025 Categories
School Business Leader of the Year
We are looking for an exceptional school business leader who has radically reinvented the perception of the traditional school business manager within not just their own setting but across their local region and is a trailblazer for projecting professionalism. They will also show an exceptional ability to for delivering excellent resource management across their own school, ensuring financial viability whilst still improving pupil outcomes.
Leadership Team of the Year
We would like to see entries from individuals/schools that are driving the strategic direction of their school, through joined-up leadership across the SBP, Head teacher and Chair of Governor in developing a strategic plan for the school and developing appropriate budgets and long-term planning to facility these plans. The winner will be able to demonstrate the impact that they make in securing the sustainability of the school, whilst improving pupil outcomes.
School of the Year
We are looking for a school that has delivered huge improvements for their pupils’ outcomes, improved year-on-year through its exam results, introduced a new and innovative curriculum that has provided tangible results, overcome a challenging period or simply worked tirelessly to ensure the successful running of their school and general wellbeing of the staff and pupils at the school.
EdTech Innovator of the Year
In light of the incredible shift towards online learning, remote working and education technology over the past years, this category at the National Schools Awards aims to reward an individual or school who has helped to introduce new EdTech into their school setting for the benefit of pupils and staff or the general efficiency of their school.
Governor of the Year
Governors play a vital role in the smooth running and management of a school and the relationship with the senior leadership team is critical to ensure positive pupil and staff outcomes. As such, we are looking for a governor that has performed above and beyond their role in providing exceptional advice, leadership and guidance in the running of their school.
School Resource Management of the Year
Managing your school’s resources can have a massive impact on improving pupil outcomes. Driving value out of existing resources by managing current staff, estates and funds can ensure efficiencies and a better school environment. The School Resource Management of the Year award which will recognise individuals, teams or schools for their excellent management of resources throughout the year.
Estates Management of the Year
A school estate is one of the most critical parts of a school’s success and the management of school buildings and infrastructure is often an overlooked aspect of day-to-day school life. As such, this category will recognise those who have continued to manage and improve their schools’ buildings and estate throughout the year.
MAT of the Year
We are looking for a MAT that has successfully turned around their schools or has managed to grow whilst maintaining or increasing positive pupil outcomes. The MAT can be any size and should show examples of using innovation and imagination to improve their schools.